Tip 2 – How to find a good web design company.

Tip 2 Web DesignThis tip and the following three tips over the next few days will help to explain what to look for in a good web design company.

When looking for any company or business to carry out a task for you, it is important to look at how they do that task for themselves. You wouldn’t employ someone to fix your roof, if you discover they have a leaking roof when you visit their business.

This is no less the case for a web design company. When you are looking for a web designer the most important piece of research you can do is to visit their website. A company’s website is often the first port of call for a potential customer and they will gain their first impression of the business from it. If a website is broken, has missing links to pages, is hard to navigate, and looks old or garish it reflects badly on the company as a whole.

This is also true for a web design company. Look carefully at their website. How does it represent them and their skills? Would you like a website similar to theirs? What impression does their website give you of their skills and abilities? Their website should have a portfolio page which showcases other websites they have done for their clients. If they don’t have one, you should ask yourself why this is. Are they ashamed of their work? Or is it something they have just neglected to do. How could this reflect on their service to you? If they do have a portfolio, what are the websites like that they have done for their clients? Is it the type of thing you would be happy to have for your own business?

Remember that a website reflects on a company or business, and the websites belonging to web design companies are a good reflection of their services to you as a customer.


This is part two of a twenty four part series of tips provided by cannedSunlight Web Design Costa Blanca to celebrate the run up to Christmas. You can view Tip 1 here. Come back tomorrow for further tips and advice on how to get a great website that works for you or your business.

One Response to “Tip 2 – How to find a good web design company.”

  1. This Place is My Home

    Thanks for the quality tips. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories recently where people have bought websites but been let down badly by the web designers. It appears that once they have your money they forget all about you.

    I must agree with you that the look of the web designer’s site reflects their work. Some are atrocious! Some are rather cool though and I know who I’d use, even if they were to cost a little more. The web has moved on a huge amount in the last couple of years and it’s amazing how many ‘web designers’ are still producing sites in a 2001 style!

    Cheers for your tips cannedSunlight!


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